About Dimuthu Foundation

Dimuthu Foundation is a nonprofit, government registered charitable organization dedicated to work with children and their families to overcome poverty and injustice founded in 2002. Our Vision, Mission, Values and our programmes specially focus on children’s integral formation, education, health, nutrition, their rights and protection. Dimuthu Foundation applies the right based approach to secure the dignity of person and ensure minimum standard of living for the marginalized, vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.

Our dedicated team of staff, specially trained on community development, is always in standby to serve the children and to nurture them, protect them from social evils and provide a safe and peaceful environment for them to grow up.

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In Puttalam district, prevailing economic and social circumstances and inherited difficulties, which those families endure, create many barriers for children in their educational pathways. Children especially boys are forced to recruit themselves in informal income-earning responsibilities, often at the cost of their own secondary and higher education and development. Therefore, Dimuthu foundation focuses on children because they are the most valuable investment of the future.

Once children are fed, sheltered, protected and directed on the good path, it will be good for their personal life and at the same time it will pave way the community also to flourish. It is acknowledged that the child is the most vulnerable victim of poverty and under-development.

We strongly believe that children’s development is tied inextricably to that of their families and communities. Therefore, Dimuthu works with community institution at grass root level for alleviation of poverty irrespective of race, religion, caste and any other distinctions. We also initiate actions for the realization of justice, children rights and women’s rights.

Dimuthu foundation as part of its humanitarian work stood with most vulnerable people during their difficult time. To show our solidarity with the people the director of Dimuthu foundation and the field officers made regular visits to the vulnerable communities. Our continuous presence gave them a feeling that they are not alone and strengthened their decision-making capacity.

However, in order to break the dependence mentality of the people Dimuthu Foundation changed its strategy from charity to development which could be considered as a paradigm shift. As the Chinese saying goes “Give a fish to a man and you will feed him for one day and teach him how to fish and you will feed him lifetime”. Therefore, people were organized into groups and capacitated for social transformation.

Our Vision

Eradication of total poverty and thereby bring about a better world through the integral formation of human person.

Our Mission

Our mission is for children. we also envisage the formation of their parents who are the prime agents of the education and formation of children. We focus here on the material, intellectual, emotional, social, moral, spiritual and cultural poverty.

Our Values

We concentrate on sharing, gratitude, sacrifice, solidarity, collaboration, community building, self-sufficiency, voluntary service and auto sustainability.